OK to overtake
on Right. Doesn't matter whether you're turning right or left
on Left, if turning left
on Left, if traffic on right is congested
When being overtaken,
slow down to assist OR
maintain speed, if it doesn't cause confusion or obstruction
When turning right, turn into the lane,
just left of the center lane
on extreme right
OK to maintain speed and stay on course, if emergency vehicles is on the opposite side
Omni buses can drive on Bus lanes; but cannot park.
Not OK to overtake at a junction
Not OK to horn at sitting animals (dog) on the road. Drive around them.
Not OK to horn at animal on road near forest. Slow down and brake, provided it is safe.
Not OK to apply 2 sec rule in bad weather/wet roads. Doesn't work on all road conditions
Not OK to use mobile phone or turn head to talk to passengers
Use of phone => Holding it + Talking + Driving
fine or jail for using mobile. (Not charged in court)
most likely license will also be revoked.
fine not more than 1,000 dollars or maximum imprisonment of 6 months or both.
Charged at Court for
not having 3/4 full tank when leaving Singapore
Exceed speed limit by 40km+. DIPS points are as below
12 points for 40-50 + 1 point if near School Zone
18 points for 51-60 + 1 point if near School Zone
24 points for 61 onwards
Time Check:
2 secs: Wait 2 seconds on Green signal, before moving
3 secs: Signal your intentions (to change lanes/ overtake) at least 3 seconds in advance
5 - 10 secs: Check rearview and side mirrors every 5 to 10 secs
15 secs: Sound horn, If vehicle in front does not move at Green signal for 15 secs or more
Distance Check:
1 Car distance for every 16KM speed.
1 m from the kerb when turning
2 m distance between vehicles when waiting at a signal
20 m: place warning sign 20 m behind the car when breakdown. About 10 car distance.
2 secs distance at any speed for any type of vehicle. Increase in bad weather.
Leave more space if vehicle in front is smaller or if your vehicle is heavier or if road is wet.
Stopping Distance = Reaction Distance + Breaking Distance
If Speed is n * 10, Stopping Distance is >= n*(n+1)
80 km/hr => 72m
50 => 30m
100 => 110m
Stopping distance increases, if
your vehicle is heavily loaded
the road is wet
Turn on at night from 7pm to 7 am
Turn on if raining or poor visibility or in unlit roads
Flash at the bends and curves
Dip at 100m of oncoming vehicle
Turn on both headlights & taillights during heavy rain
12 points for beating Red Signal. +1 point, if near School.
6 points for careless driving
24 points for reckless driving
4 points for NOT Giving Way to traffic (from right, most of the times), for Vehicles on Major Road, for Emergency Vehicles (Police, Ambulance & Fire Engine)
4 points for stopping at entrance of Express way
6 points for driving at shoulder or reversing on the Express way
DIPS - Do you know how much is the fine? [Base Charge] +10+20+20+30
3 points - No fine
4 points - $120 for light vehicles. [120/150]
+10+20+20+306 points - $130 for light vehicles. [120/150]+10
+20+20+308 points - $150 for light vehicles. [120/150]+10+20+
20+309,12 pts - $170 for light vehicles. [120/150]+10+20+20
+3012 pts - $200 for light vehicles. [120/150]+10+20+20+30
Above charges are for light vehicles. Add $30 for heavy vehicles.
Do you know that
There are 2 areas that cannot be viewed from driver's seat (area on the right and left of the vehicle which cannot be seen in the wing mirrors)
Correct positions to hold Steering wheels are 10-to-2 & Quarter-to-3
Flashing Amber Signal - Do you need to stop?
Give Way to traffic on right
Proceed with Caution
Prepare to Stop; But no need to Stop & Proceed.
Pedestrian Crossing - Do you need to stop?
Slow down and prepare to stop. But no need to stop.
When approaching Round-About - Do you need to stop?
Slow down and Give Way to traffic on right. But no need to stop.
Hospital and "No Horn" in General. Can you horn?
Can la! Horn if you need to avoid an accident. Slow down immediately
When driving - Should you keep the car at left side of lane or center or right?
Drive at the center of the lane. Also park at the center of parking spot.
keep left, If 2-way road with white line OR 2-way carriage way the 2 lanes on each direction
Can you
Run over the kerb, when turning? Of course not. Reverse a little and try again.
Identify a person walking with a stick? Assume the person to be blind; not elderly
Should you
Reduce your speed at "REDUCE YOUR SPEED" sign, if your speed is above 50?
yes. Always, irrespective of whether your speed is above or below 50 Km/ hour.
Which wheel will be closer to the kerb, when turning left? Rear wheel.
Which lane should slow speed vehicles use? Left lanes
Which side to move for emergency vehicles on one way roads? Both sides are ok
When should you switch on the hazard light, if your vehicle encounters problem on the road? not to confuse other road users, you should move to the left lane, stop then switch it on.
At an uncontrolled junction without "Give Way" and "Stop" sign, if you are turning right, you must give way to traffic going straight from all direction.
How a driver should stop a manually transmitted car on an uphill slope? apply the foot brake first follow by the handbrake
Remember to:
Uphill / Downhill: DRUL - Downhill Park on Reverse gear. Uphill - Park on low gear.
Uphill / Downhill: Drive on low gear. Low gear gives high power.
Uphill / Downhill: When driving, apply handbrake if waiting for signal.
Floods: Drive on low gear. Apply breaks few times to dry the brake drum.
Puddle: Slow down.
Overtake: Check traffic ahead, behind, indicate, blind spot, move, accelerate / horn, mirror, indicate to come back, move, cancel signal, resume - in the order
Yellow box: Enter the box, when traffic is not obstructed.
OK to stop in Bus Lane if Car is breakdown
Can drive on Bus lanes on public holidays. restricted hours does not apply on holidays.
not OK to drive in Bus Lane. Avoid following hours
Normal Lane: Weekdays 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM & 5-8 PM - Marked with an Yellow line
Full-day Lane: Mon-Sat 7:30 AM - 11 PM - Marked by Red & Yellow parallel lines
Bus only Lane: 24 hours X 7 days a week. - Marked with Red line